
Disclaimer/Assumption of Risks

These Self Defense Videos/Trainings/Courses/Seminars have been designed to provide viewers/buyers/participants with the safest and most effective way to survive and escape a physical assault. However, the instructors cannot guarantee your safety through the use, or misuse, of the techniques taught in these Self Defense Videos/Trainings/Courses/Seminars.

Involvement and/or participation in these Self Defense Videos/Trainings/Courses/Seminars is voluntary and participants learn of their own free will.

Participation in J Hanley's Self Defense and any such training program can have an increased risk of injury such as the risks arising from Self Defense training/sparing/striking/being struck. Self-defense is a potentially hazardous activity and viewers/buyers must assure their own good health and that they are physically fit to enter into a self-defense training program. 

There are many risks involved in athletic training in general and self-defense training specifically, which risks include by way of example and not limitation: scrapes, bumps, bruises, sprains and strains;  joint, muscle and bone injuries, concussions and other head injuries, heat related injuries such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion, dehydration and over hydration conditions such as hypothermia, and catastrophic injuries and conditions such as heart attacks and other conditions/injuries which could be fatal. 

Viewers/participants are solely responsible for their health and medical condition, and it is their sole responsibility to determine their own physical and medical fitness to undertake a self defense training program, assuring they do not have any medical ailments, physical limitations, or mental disabilities that will affect their ability to participate in self defense.

JHanley’s Self Defense, Joseph Hanley, Alex LaFlamme and/or the Instructor undertakes no direct legal or financial responsibility for viewers/participants personal safety or well-being when watching/participating in these Self Defense Videos/Trainings/Courses/Seminars.

Joseph Hanley and Alex LaFlamme are not medical doctors and advice and recommendations of him/her are based upon his/her training and experience as a martial artist.